For Your Information
Just Because Info you just might need.
This is one of the simplest ways that Brooklyn WATE gets to deliver some form of support and information to the general public. We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community to actively get involved.
Here you will find community offerings and services available to the Brooklyn locale.
Your Voice, Your Vote. It Matters!
Voting and being registered to vote are crucial for maintaining a vibrant democracy. Your vote is your voice in government, influencing decisions and policies that shape our society. It’s a civic duty and a fundamental aspect of responsible citizenship, ensuring that your community’s needs are represented. By voting, you hold elected officials accountable, impact vital policies on healthcare, education, and more, and promote fairness and equality. Additionally, your participation drives social and political change, safeguarding democratic freedoms and rights for everyone. Make your voice heard and contribute to the collective future by registering and voting.
Haven't registered yet? Still need more info, click on that word cloud.
Domestic Violence /Domestic Violence Support
Domestic Violence Hotline for NYC
Many victims of domestic violence are being isolated at home with their abusers. The impact has caused an increase of unhealthy environments, making it harder to reach out for help and find safe options without being monitored. Here is some assistance for those who may be struggling with these silent battles, alone. If you know someone who may need some guidance please share.
NYC 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-621-HOPE
Survivors of domestic violence may receive temporary housing, emergency shelter and supportive services for themselves and their children. All programs provide a safe environment as well as counseling, advocacy and referral services. Click Here for more